Graf zeppelin graf zeppelin world of warships
Graf zeppelin graf zeppelin world of warships

graf zeppelin graf zeppelin world of warships graf zeppelin graf zeppelin world of warships

also when i got hits with GZ's bombs i mostly got no cits, so i think GZ's bombs getting no cits mostly is probrably a bug. even though the torps dont do that much damage they are fast wich means they can get to a destination quick, also they buffed the aiming speed of the DB's and 1 hit is most likely all the hits your gonna get with the bombs but since the AP bomb nerf GZ's bombs now only do 5800 when you hit the citadel and 2x 5800 is only 11600 potential. Now her only good weapons are her secondaries and torpedo bombers. Her bombs were nerfed so much that they now have a low hit rate, the rocket nerf was a serious nerf to her rockets. Graf zeppelin is a t8 premium german CV and now she is the 2nd worst t8 CV.

Graf zeppelin graf zeppelin world of warships